Holiday Travel Guide

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Young man smiling in the driver's seat of a car.

For many college students or young twenty-somethings, living on your own and traveling back home for Thanksgiving is a new experience. The holidays are a peak traveling season. It’s important to follow best practices to make sure your flight or road trip stays merry and bright.

Traveling By Car

° Your tires are the point of contact between your vehicle and the road. Check your tire pressure, tread depth, and don’t forget to make sure the spare is adequately inflated. If your tires are worn down, consider replacing them before a long road trip. Tire blowouts are no friend of holiday cheer.

° Always buckle up. Seat belts save lives, so buckle up every trip, every time.

° If you’re going to use your phone for navigation, get a proper mount to keep it a hands-free affair. Fumbling with your mobile device while trying to drive is dangerous.

° Obey speed limits, and keep alert for construction zones with lane reductions and detours. Consider turning on smartphone navigation, even if you know the route by heart. Your navigation app could alert you to traffic jams or changing road conditions and offer alternative routes in real-time, saving you headaches.

Traveling By Plane

° Don’t pre-wrap your gifts before going to the airport. There isn’t a rule against it, but if a package needs to be inspected by security, they may have to unwrap it. You can avoid wrapping a gift twice by waiting until you arrive at your destination.

° Avoid packing toys that look like swords, guns or other weapons. It can cause delays and slowdowns with security.

° If you’re traveling with a child 12 or under, remember they can keep their shoes on, saving you time in the security line.

° Snowglobes are subject to TSA liquid rules. A snowglobe under 3.4 ounces can be packed in carry-on bags. Anything larger will have to be placed in your checked luggage.

° Traveling with food? Solid foods like ham, turkey, cake or pie are allowed in carry-on bags. Spreadable or pourable foods are allowed but are subject to TSA rules for liquids.

Using these tips can help your travel plans go smoother.